The Problem 

Our client came to us with a problem with their dairy cooler. The swing doors were old, worn out and not sealing properly - causing the temperature alarm to keep
going off, and incurring unnecessary running costs. Replacement cost of the doors was estimated at $4,000.

Further, the client described that workers often prop the doors open while working, for easier entry/exit and more comfortable temperature. This too was incurring unnecessary cost and inconvenience. 

The Solution

The Byson Team visited the client facility, and worked with the site handyman to design the required solution. It called for a Cold application strip kit, with extra long strips, 50% overlap, and strips spanning beyond the width of the doorway to create an effectively airtight seal.  

The Feedback 

The Byson Team was extremely pleased to hear feedback from all stakeholders directly on site following installation. Here are some excerpts: 

Owner: "Affordable. Swing doors would have cost me $4,000."

Workers: "Great idea - its easier to work now, and move in or out."

Handyman: "This material is solid and easy to install. Plus I can just replace a strip when needed."

The Follow-up 

As a great outcome to deployment of the Byson solution on the dairy coolers, the client chose to roll out our solution for all their freezers as well! 


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